Henry Vlll
He succeeded to the throne after his father's death on
21 April 1509. He was 17 years old when he became king. Henry built fine palaces, and fought wars against France and Scotland.
Important facts
1. When he became king, most people belonged to
the Catholic Church, which was headed by the Pope, in Rome. Henry Vlll wanted a male heir, but his wife had not given birth to a son.
Henry wanted to divorce her and take a new wife. The Roman Catholic Church refused to grant the divorce. In order
to gain his divorce Henry broke away
from the Catholic Church and proclaimed himself head of the Church of England in
1534. The
land and riches of the church became Henry's property
2.- King
Henry Vlll, , successfully united England and Wales under one system of government. The two countries were joined in 1536.
Family life
Henry Vlll was a great
athlete in his youth. He spoke French, Spanish, Latin and some Italian and was
a good musician. He lived at Hampton
Court Palace in London.
In total he married six times! and had three children
- Mary (by Catherine of
Aragon), Elizabeth
(by Anne Boleyn) and Edward (by Jane Seymour). Each became a monarch - Edward Vl,
Mary l (or
Mary Tudor) and Elizabeth l
in that order.
Fuente: woodlands-junior.kent.sch.
.Why is
Elizabeth famous?
Elizabeth I inherited a bankrupt nation, a weakened
pawn between the great powers of France and Spain. They counseled to marry
quickly and lean upon her husband for support. But she ruled alone.. Her sense of duty was admirable, though it
came at great personal cost. She was
committed to preserving English peace and stability.
The Armada
In 1588 King Philip of Spain sent the Armada
to attack England. He hoped to remove Elizabeth as queen.
Spanish and
English ships fought battles in the English Channel. Both sides fought bravely.
A terrible storm scattered the Spanish
ships. Half never reached home.
England celebrated a great victory. Elizabeth was safe.
England celebrated a great victory. Elizabeth was safe.
Royal pleasures
During the
Elizabethan age, London had its first theatres. From the 1590s, audiences
packed The Globe theatre in London
to see plays by William Shakespeare
and other writers.
enjoyed private shows. Shakespeare performed several times for the Queen.
The Elizabethan age ends
Elizabeth I died on 24 March 1603, at her palace at Richmond. She was
buried in Westminster Abbey beside her grandfather Henry VII.
King James VI came from Scotland to become James I of England. The Stuarts
had taken over from the Tudors.